Please do not argue with moderation decisions, as they are final. Any change requests can be sent to @CreativeConn, @Skyfall_Epsilon or @ToadNesa
General Rules
1 -
Uniforms are required to be worn at all times in our Training Facilities, although this will only be enforced during training sessions.
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Packages that affect the hitbox of the player are not allowed.
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“Unofficial” uniforms can only be worn with the approval of the developers.
4 -
Doing exploitive glitches and third-party exploits will result in a ban and will be passed along to Innovation Security HRs for review.
5 -
No security member is to overreact (This includes spamming “Hi” or Sir", or constantly following) when a high rank/ST enters a server.
6 -
No security member is to claim to be a higher rank than they are.
Training Specific Rules
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PTS is not required during our trainings, but constant spam will lead to a warning, and eventually a kick.
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Non-constructive criticism towards trainers/developers (about their style of training, potential lack of Nexus Admin knowledge, etc.) should be refrained unless said trainer/developer is alright with the aforementioned.
9 - This rule is subject to change if abused
Training attendees are currently allowed to ask for trainings, as long this is not done with spam/DM creeping.
Lobby Duty Specific Rules
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Any rank can be Lobby Duty as long as long as they are willing to comply with the following/previous rules*
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Use of weaponry on any trainees without valid reasoning is unacceptable. (Valid Reasoning is breaking of the rules above)*
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Two lobby duty members maximum, a trainer does not have to have lobby duty.
*This rule can be modified/changed by the Trainer hosting the session.