Roblox Battle Remastered [OPEN]



In 2012, the games team released a game known as Roblox Battle, which was a basic battle game with rounds and such, and in 2013 got massive updates, including the lobby, game modes, team battles, coins, the 3D inventory, armor, and many other cool features. Later on, the game was open sourced for anyone to use, except the armor and maps were not included because they were stored in the InsertService (unless you stole them using a personal server).

However, the game had a lot ofā€¦ flawsā€¦ three being it used DataPersistance (not good for people using that game to learn more about Lua), required loadstring() to deserialize data, and wasnā€™t FilteringEnabled. This is where I first decided to make a version that worked the same, but had FilteringEnabled, no dependency on the InsertService, no loadstring() for deserialization, and used DataStoresā€¦ then I thought of new features and I came up with the game Roblox Battle Remastered.

The first few weeks were mostly back-end changes, which I called the alpha phase, more to test if the concept could be done. (Most of what is listed is based on the changelog, I could have forgotten to put something down).
Changes during Alpha phase:
-Enabled FilteringEnabled
-Re-organized many scripts into MainScript with modules
-Move most storage items from values to ModuleScripts
-Fixed replication bugs caused by FilteringEnabled switch
-Reduced 350 warnings in Script Analysis to 0

After I got it working and I had the idea could create a new edition from this, I got to work on the early-beta phase, which was the first few weeks before I kept a good changelog where I tracked all of the dates:
Changes during the Early-Beta phase:
-Added game mode Rocks Vs. Bazookas
-Added game mode Rail Wars (One weapon railgun)
-Added game mode King Of The Hill
-Added game mode Territory Wars
-Added map The Shard II (I wrote this before I figured out how to get the original)
-Added coins shop for Robux
-Moved all maps and weapons to ServerStorage (less replicates on start)
-Added Double Coin Saturdays
-Added global KOs, WOs, and Coins leaderboards
-Added Slot Machines
-Added follow bonus of 5 coins
-Added twitter promotions
-Added random log-in bonuses (5 to 25 coins every 18 hours)
-Added server shutdown screen
-Fixed Juggernaut not awarding to first person
-Moved to RemoteEvent to display round
-Re-did inventory to not take whole screen
-Added SetNetworkOwnership API to all gear
-Added armor Reflective Armor
-Added armor Leapers Dream
-Added right click to go back in tutorial
-Added Boss Armor (need to talk to Shedletsky, then I will enable)
-Re-added pages of armor over 1 page
-Added map The Abandoned Lobby
-Added descriptions for armor in inventory
-Added new lobby
-Added Neon to team crystals
-Added PlayerPoints, add for KOs, subtract for WOs
-Added selling armor
-Made shop more compact
-Added consumables shop
-Added map The Spire

The final stage I did was what I call the late-beta stage, when I actually had a proper viewable changelog viewable.
Changes during early-beta phase
-Added Trading
-Rewrote ArmorService for fixes and new features
-Added armor redeem center for items obtained when full
-Added repair shop
-Added displays for all players in game (the are to the right of where you spawn)
-Changed seats to use Occupant instead of SeatWeld
-Added history for purchases with Robux and Tix
-Added mobile ad board
-More coins spawn from players with higher streaks
-Added front-end work for global kill feed
-Added global settings for server
-Added settings saving
-Inventory pages tween
-Added large coin drops from players with 3+ kill streaks
-Added F7/ButtonL3 debug gui
-Added controller support for shop and inventory guis
-Added locked creates
-Added visualizer for DataStore being online
-Added Blue Cut armor series
-Added General Chaos armor series
-Added Gold armor series
-Added Jetpack rare drop
-Added Reacon Mask rare drop
-Added Reactive Helmet
-Added Sword Elimination
-Added Quick Kill game mode
-Added Swap Tag game mode
-Added One Weapon Madness game mode
-Added Capture The Flag game mode
-Added music to rounds
-Added preload screen (sounds load first, then main guis, secondary guis, lobby elements, armor and tools, then meshes
-Fixed auto assigning allow for 2v0 rounds
-Added auto-deposit of coins on leave

Pretty lengthy list of changes if you ask me. I started in June, and had a 2 week Hiatus during September for vacation stuff.
Right nowā€¦ either I could get to the front page, or this will completely fail. I am hoping the ads I plan to run and the promotion I am doing with Innovation Inc will help. It is my first game release. :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

Woah, that looks really really great!

Iā€™ve always loved Roblox Battle, but almost nobody plays it now. :confused:
Iā€™m really looking forward to this remastered version!

Iā€™m sure it will reach the front page quite quickly.

One thing I wanna know for sure is: Did you edit the maps?
As in add details or removing unnecesary stuff

Aside from that, Iā€™ll definitely play it!

1 Like

That sounds really fun!

Lots of great changes, canā€™t wait to try it out. :slight_smile:

Yass!!! Canā€™t wait for this.

(Maybe post a few screenshots? :D)

[quote] Iā€™ve always loved Roblox Battle, but almost nobody plays it now. :confused:
Iā€™m really looking forward to this remastered version! [/quote]
I reached points where 200 players were on the original game at any point, but it can drop to 0. More just luck for getting into the game at the right time. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] One thing I wanna know for sure is: Did you edit the maps?
As in add details or removing unnecesary stuff [/quote]
For the most part, no. Suggestions for anything?

The majority of the screenshots I would post would probably be the thumbnails for the game. You can just check them out using the link. :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing iā€™d really like to see is better map graphics.
Just small improvements on stuff such as no outlines which can be removed by unticking Outlines in lighting.

Maybe actual water (terrain water) for maps containing those

Oh, that.
Outlines: Removed on the first day
Music: Added last week
Actual water: The only map that has water is Ravens Rock, which uses part water to push it up a stream.
Better graphics: I tried to keep part of the game the old blocky (and low part count) aesthetic. There is less than 6 CSG parts in the whole game actually.


What? Why do Builders Club members get more votes than non-members?

I decided to keep the behavior but I might as well remove it, doesnā€™t make much sense anymore.

I got this error when i tried to join:

ā€“ Players.101PILOT.PlayerGui.CameraScript:16: attempt to index local ā€˜Playerā€™ (a nil value)
ā€“ Stack begin
ā€“ Script ā€˜Players.101PILOT.PlayerGui.CameraScriptā€™, line 16
ā€“ Stack End
ā€“ can only tween objects in the workspace
ā€“ Script ā€˜Players.101PILOT.PlayerScripts.MenuScriptā€™, line 146
ā€“ Stack End

[strike]Iā€™ll try join again and see if I can get in, but I just thought I would let you know about this error.[/strike]

EDIT: So I tried rejoining and it worked fine, however I did get the packet error that you mentioned (may of been in another post). Anyway, I got that error while I was in the middle of a fight and once everything froze except me I noticed that I could walk around but when I jumped it would freeze so Iā€™m not sure if the error has something to do with that.

EDIT 2: the first error I mentioned did prevent me from entering the game. the camera was just circling the lobby while it was night time and a particle emitter was making ā€œstarsā€ fly past (which can look really cool).

First error: Thanks, fixed for new servers when they come up. Not a massive bug though.
Second issue: That is because the menu guiā€™s parent becomes nil somehow. If it prevents entering the game (ex: play button doesnā€™t show up), let me know.

[strike]No controller support? :([/strike]

Nevermind, itā€™s working now.

Iā€™m stuck looking at a ship from the outside :confused:

One of the thumbnails says ā€œController Supportedā€

Really a very entertaining game!
I would suggest this over the original.

Iā€™m going to be playing this for a whileā€¦ Until I got DCā€™dā€¦

Here is my guess to the disconnection issues:
An instance is created, then the child, then quickly destroys it (probably a value), and the replicator has issues with the child, but that is a guess. The original version was before RemoteEvents and such existed.

If I can get the game stable, then I will continue to update it and make a request for it to be featured, but I need to get it stable first.

Great game and great nostalgia! I donā€™t like the camera effect on spawn though. Itā€™s frustrating when I want to get right back into combat.

What do you mean? The fact it takes 3 seconds, or the fact it even exists? I personally find it cool to have some form of interpolation rather to have your camera suddenly there.
I have been thinking of making the interpolation X seconds for every 100 studs or so, if that would make it better at all.

By the way, here are the changes for Saturday and Sunday:

-Fixed lobby freezing
-Fixed multiple people grabbing flags in Capture The Flag
-Updating coin handling to be Remote Event based
-Fixed leaderboards having long periods of being blank
-Changed vote flag count to 3 for all
-Fixed incorrect team color name given for point scoring alerts
-Fixed flags disappearing for good when destroyed
-Fixed start up bug in camera script
-Fixed all flags being one color
-Fixed Swap Tag never showing up
-Fixed Innovation Armor not showing up right in inventory
-Updated how creator tags are handled in ModifierManager
-Added mobile support to click events
-Fixed multiple juggernauts appearing
-Added mobile support to the menu
-Fixed recursion overflow for creator tags
-Removed Rail Wars

-Added local weld creation for tools
-Fixed crates not awarding if metadata missing
-Fixed crates gui not updating
-Fixed spots in inventory not erasing with selling
-Added weight to more rare game modes
-Fixed improper balancing in lobby for teaming
-Fixed One Weapon Madness never showing up
-Fixed Swap Tag miscalculating endings
-Added credits board behind vote board in lobby
-Fixed 3D interactions with inventory (dropping armor onto limbs works again)
-Fixed players who leave during sword elimination not being removed from round data
-Fixed clients seeing wrong price to unlock crates
-Fixed JumpPower replication bugs
-Anchored parts in Territory Control that were unanchored
-Improved armor awarding from trades
-Fixed crates awarding armor before crates removed
-Fixed health not draining during Quick Kill
-Changed on weapon madness to a new weapon every KO rather than WO

The game is pretty much stable for now, the release was pretty bad because of all the disconnections.