Roblox Sales Bug

Hello I’m using a Roblox extension to sales, but recently I noticed that 1 sale counts as 4. I also see this on the developer page and I was wondering if multiple people got this bug. And is Roblox aware of this? I can’t see the right amount of sales and my best selling doesn’t display right because something with 4 sales now shows as 16 sales but something that got 8 sales before this bug is now lower on the best selling.



Hi! I too am having this issue. I thought, “Ooh, 3 more sales!” When in reality I only had 1 sale.

You should probably try report this to the owner of the plugin as Roblox can do nothing about it.

Its not a bug of the plugin… You also see this on the official develop page of Roblox itself.

Ah, my apologies. You should move this to website bugs as this bug report is going to get solved if it’s in the incorrect category.

Are you 100% confident this is happening, and not just other people (or bots) buying your shirts?

In the last 2 days, this hasn’t happened to me(with models or gamepasses anyway).

Yes I’m 100% confident its happening too all my shirts/pants.

I think its only shirts and pants.

No problem. I already did this.

Yeah, it must be only those. As I haven’t seen any problems on my end with my models.

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This issue also happens with t - shirts.

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