Roblox Studio Loop Crashes if I try to open two copies of the same place in Team Create

Today I attempted to open two copies of the same game in Roblox Studio, and, well, it didn’t go that well.
I’m assuming this is because you are not supposed to have multiple connections from the same user, but still, it crashed in this horrific way with a looping “Failed to connect” message.

This crash is so hard that the error message CONTINUES going after studio has crashes. In fact it is still going as I write this.

And I don’t think it was going to stop any time soon. This is HIGHLY annoying because it appears to automatically pop up in front of all other tabs.I was finally able to kill it through Task Manager but this was still hard to find.

If anyone else can reproduce this please let me know. I was able to reproduce this on my computer twice with the same game, but I have not tried it on other games yet.
