I only use UpdateAsync in my game.
Anyone know what’s happening?
How often are you calling the UpdateAsync? The “Budget” for calls per minute is 60 + numPlayers * 10
Not often enough to hit that limit. The DataStore budget tab is showing me ~300 calls available.
It looks like you have pretty big spikes in usage. Are you sure you’re not trying to make a huge pile of requests all at once and hitting the limit that way?
Might want to try to amortize your requests better over time for non-critical operations.
I see. What I’m doing is retrying the same key if it gets throttled after 8 seconds (and stopping if it fails 3 times). My print statements are telling me that I am indeed stopping after 3 fails. However, I’m still getting these warnings after I stop trying to call UpdateAsync and they’re showing up much more often than every 8 seconds.
I’m also wrapping my UpdateAsync in a pcall if that matters.
Haha, responding to you twice tonight
But yeah, 6 seconds is what you wanna try to hit between @OP
I recently created a query module for datastores that run thru the list of saves it must complete, with 6-second intervals so requests aren’t throttled. Works for me even with 90+ requests in the query, because it waits per each one.