Robloxia Town - Information

Robloxia Town - Game Information

Hello traveler! We’re happy to see you here.
So, we hope this information helps you to understand our game.

Anyways, you can get support from our Discord Server. You can find the invite link in the game social links, remember you need to be 13+ to have a Discord Account :smile:

Main Information

Game Version : 0.0.1
Current Phase : BETA
Developers : Greatest Studio Team

Launch Date : 06/24/2022 (Most Probably)

Update Log

  • Game is not public yet!

VIP Servers Advantages

  • Creative Mode (Everything is free)
  • Admin Commands (Use /cmds to see the available commands)
  • Customization (Sky, day time, fire size, police sirens, police lights, and more)
  • Developer Mode

The VIP Server price is 800 R$. If you want one only go to the game and in the server list, you can purchase one.


There are so many jobs in the game. You can find the job information in the game, only go to your phone and open the job app, then search for a job and you will find a description. :smile: