Rounds and intermissions scripts not working

Try this as your new server script.

local roundLength = 5 -- How long the round is in seconds
local intermissionLength = 10 -- How many seconds are inbetween the rounds

local InRound = game.ReplicatedStorage.InRound
local Status = game.ReplicatedStorage.Status
local LobbySpawn = game.Workspace.LobbySpawn
local GameAreaSpawn = game.Workspace.GameAreaSpawn

local function roundTimer()
	while wait() do
		for i = intermissionLength, 1, -1 do
			InRound.Value = false
			Status.Value = "Intermission: ".. i .." seconds left!"
		for i = roundLength, 1, -1 do
			InRound.Value = false
			Status.Value = "Game: ".. i .." seconds left"


Did not work for some reason…

Do you know if its passing through the loops

Do you have a Drafts tab somewhere inside your Studio? If you do, find it by searching:

View > Drafts

I have no idea. I’m not good at scripting :sweat_smile:

I don’t see anything. What do drafts do?

Your most valuable resource is print

It’s bad practice but if you print something to console like a number and just have that between ever line then you can see what’s not running.

Basically just have print(numberhere) between each line.

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use prints to debug your code–see what’s working

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Drafts are just basically a way of committing scripts (Or verifying them to the server)

If you have to, literally print each line individually to see what outputs back

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Done that. Here’s what works.

The spawn of the roundtimer does not work, and the changing also doesn’t.

try using this for local:

	TimerDisplay.Text = Status.Value

If this doesn’t work I don’t know what will, we clearly see that it goes through the loops, its just not detecting change. I hope it isn’t because Status is not a StringValue object

This also didn’t work. I guess I’ll just go over everything in the video again and see if i missed a step. (Which I highly doubt because I’ve checked multiple times)

Ok, well I suppose we can break it down to the LocalScript here:

local Status = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Status")
local TimerDisplay = script.Parent.TimerDisplay
print(Status.ClassName)--This will check what the VALUE REALLY IS REEE

	TimerDisplay.Text = Status.Value

Try this, if Status prints as a different object & not a “StringValue” then you have the “Value Object” wrong

make sure status is an actual string value object not a bool value or int value.

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Doesn’t work. It did something but the script didn’t finish


BAM, That’s the reason why

Change it to a “StringValue” and you should be all set!

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its an int value, delete it from replicated storage and make a string value object

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Oh the tutorial said one needed to be int and the other bool. Could that be the problem?

The tutorial probably got confused of the values

It’s actually supposed to be a string value, (Or this: "Hello! This is a string")

IntValues are values that can store a lot of Integers (Or whole numbers)

Just change it to that, and it should work!

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The tutorial probably demonstrated only showing the number itself, i.e. a count down timer. Not what you’re trying to do in the script, you are adding letters and numbers.

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