RouteRail 2 - Updates Log

The updates log below is for the following title:
RouteRail 2: TGNP RouteRail 2: TGNP [ALPHA] - Roblox

Update Version V0.1 [ALP]:
> A seamless unified body for the CLA158 ES has been created via Blender
> Train tracks now feature a subtle metallic glare on the top surface
> CLA158 ES is now the first train to feature a complete interior
> Prudhoe Station has been added. With additional assets due to be developed for that location
> Day/Night Cycle has been added
> Prudhoe Station features a manual level crossing. Credit is disclosed in game description

*Additional content is slated for the week following this update. It will further lengthen the route to new locations elsewhere

Just some of the additional content slated for next week (Update Version V0.2 [ALP]) can be mentioned here:
> The introduction of CLA385
> Additional stations such as Hexham
> Dynamic street lights that react based on the day/night cycle time
> In-game roles
> Accessibility to certain areas being reflected by your role


In a update to this roadmap, we have a list of stations to share that are both fictional and non fictional.
The real life stations are marked in red whilst the fake ones aren’t. Some of the fake ones feature a national rail logo indicating they have an important status and are a big part of the game.

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Update Version V0.15 [A]:
> Reworked environment assets handcrafted by myself
> Upgraded platform signage
> Improved artstyle for the game
> Lag reduction phase [1/2]
> Bridge based on the Royal Border Bridge in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, UK
> Environment buildings

*Update Version V0.2 [A] will be coming quite soon. We apologise for the quiet delay but it was all the necessary in making the game better

Update Version V0.15 [B]:
> The Halloween edition for RouteRail 2 is now available
> Various improvements to the lighting emitted by trains
> There was a issue within the tracks that would potentially derail trains - that is now ironed out of the game
> Admin commands have been concealed for a better user experience
> This is only [1/2] release of the Halloween update, more is yet to come as we near the end of October with new stations scheduled to be added

*Update Version V0.2 [A] will be coming quite soon. We apologise for the quiet delay but it was all the necessary in making the game better