Make programming easier with Roblox's best Instance search module, rQuery!

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rQuery is a free, open-source module designed to provide a more advanced alternative to Roblox’s built-in search functions (:FindFirstChild, :WaitForChild, etc.). It extends search functions to add more parameters to search. Currently, the module allows for:

  • Searching instances for specified CollectionService tags
  • Searching instances for properties with a specified value
  • Defining a function to query (see rQuery:QueryFunction)

More features are planned! See the Roadmap below for more details.


Click me to read the API

Module Instance)

Returns an rQuery object. The object parameter is what rQuery will use for all queries.

rQuery object

rQuery:QueryFirstChildWithTag(tag: string, queryDescendants: boolean)

Returns the first child having CollectionService tag tag. If queryDescendants is true, rQuery will search descendants returned by object:GetDescendants(). Otherwise, it will use instances returned by object:GetChildren().

rQuery:QueryChildrenWithTag(tag: string, queryDescendants: boolean)

Similar to QueryFirstChildWithTag, but returns a table of all instances with CollectionService tag tag, not just the first.

rQuery:QueryFirstAncestorWithTag(tag: string)

Returns the first ancestor with CollectionService tag tag, with “first” being defined as the latest ancestor (e.g. an eligible Parent would be returned even if game had the tag).

rQuery:QueryAncestorsWithTag(tag: string)

Returns all ancestors of the object with CollectionService tag tag.

rQuery:QueryFirstChildWithProperty(property: string, value: any, queryDescendants: boolean)

Returns the first descendant that has property property of value value. queryDescendants has the same function as every other use here.

rQuery:QueryChildrenWithProperty(property: string, value: any, queryDescendants: boolean)

Similar to QueryFirstChildWithProperty, but returns all eligible children, not just the first discovered.

rQuery:QueryFirstAncestorWithProperty(property: string, value: any)

Similar to QueryFirstChildWithProperty, but queries ancestors, not children.

rQuery:QueryAncestorsWithProperty(property: string, value: any)

Similar to QueryFirstAncestorWithProperty, but returns all eligible ancestors.

rQuery:Rebind(newBind: Instance)

Changes the Instance the rQuery object uses for all queries.

rQuery:QueryFunction(direction: string, returnAll: boolean, filter)

An all-encompassing function that can be used for all queries.

direction has 3 valid values:

  • “Children” searches the Instance’s immediate children.
  • “Descendants” searches the Instance’s descendants.
  • “Ancestors” searches the Instance’s ancestry.

When true, returnAll will return all eligible objects. Otherwise, it will return only the first.

filter is a function that will return a boolean value when called as such:



Features currently planned for rQuery:
  • An all-encompassing Query function that accepts a dictionary of parameters

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to the DevForum community's feedback!

Cool module. Thanks for the contribution.

1 Like

We’re halfway through the week, and I need ideas to work on for the next update! Select one type of update you want me to focus on below.

I should focus on:
  • Adding a Query method
  • Adding more options for selection (reply what they should be)
  • Misc. (reply what you want)

0 voters


rQuery version 0.2 released! This version adds a function rQuery:QueryFunction; see API above for details.

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You should change the function’s name to rQuery:Query() so it’s more efficient.

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Been a while since the last update, and I’m wondering where you want this module to go. Possible directions on the table include:

  • A parameter-based query.
  • Re-implementation of :GetDescendants which would return descendants in hierarchical order
  • Uh… I’m not sure what else.

Whichever of those two get more support, I’ll try to implement.

What should be the next update?
  • Param-based query
  • GetDescendants re-implementation

0 voters

Unfortunately, that won’t fit with future plans. I intend for a possible param-based query to be called rQuery:QueryParams, following a standard naming scheme. Thanks for the suggestions though!