RSSR || Government Rank Explanation

b5c3097acfcdd3a46c41d4cb36ac3106 SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC


  • Foreigner - Non Citizen of RSSR.

  • Working Class - Citizen of RSSR.

  • Gulag - Prisoner of RSSR.

  • Foreign Rep - Represenative from allied country that isnt a republic.

  • KGB - External Information, other Information is restricted.

  • NKVD - Internal Information, Other Information is restricted.

  • Enlisted Military - People who are in the Red Army.

  • Officer - A Military officer

  • Supreme Soviet Judge - Judges appointed by the Presidium that are responsible for RSSR court cases

  • Central Committee - People in the CC are appointed by Presidium to vote on legislation, 1 of the two chambers of the “Supreme Soviet Council”

  • Deputy Chairman of the CC - DCoCC 2 Deputy Chairmen that are responsible for helping the chairmen with meetings and keeping trello up to date with CC bills.

  • Chairman of the CC - CoCC is responsible for hosting meetings, if he cant do it for the 1 required a week a deputy may host, he can call emergency session at any time with at least 24 hour warning.

  • Politburo - 10 People in the Politburo are appointed by Premier to vote on Legislation 1 of the two chambers of the “Supreme Soviet Council”

  • Deputy Chairman of Politburo - DCoP 2 Deputy Chairmen that are responsible for helping the chairmen with meetings and keeping trello up to date with CC bills.

  • Chairman of the Politburo - CoP Chairmen that is responsible for hosting meetings, if he cant do it for the 1 required a week a deputy may host, he can call emergency session at any time with at least 24 hour warning.

  • Council of Peoples Commissars - Includes Military Commissars which is Lt. General, General, Marshal, and Political Commissars that are in Commissars, Deputy Commissars in their Ministry. Together they make the Council of Peoples Commissars for the RSSR.

  • Presidium - Highest Executive body after the Premier, Presidium includes many titles, which are currently Deputy Premier, Supreme Marshal, National Commissar, Governor Commissars (Leaders of republics under the RSSR), Honorary Consultants to the Premier, and Hero of the Soviet Union (Titles of retired high profile comrades)

  • Presidium Deputy Premier - Is the 2nd hand of the Premier, and has the same authority as the premier when he is not around.

  • Presidium National Commissar - Commissar ahead of both NKVD, and KGB

  • Presidium Governor Commissar - Leaders of republic under the RSSR, The groups themselves might have different titles for their leaders, but under RSSR they are Governor Commissars.

  • Presidium Honorary Consultants - Consultants that are appointed by the premier for different task.

  • Presidium Hero of the Soviet Union - Retired Officials that were apart of the Presidium.

  • Presidium Supreme Marshal - Supreme Marshal has it own rank but is apart of the Presidium, he is 3rd in command of the group, and runs the military.

  • Premier - Internal Leader of the RSSR, Builder of the RSSR and her Republic’s.

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