Running An Animation Without a Humanoid or AnimationController

My use case is that I need to animate a piece of gear that is attached to a character as an accessory.

The problem I ran into was that animating the gear with an AnimationController, caused conflicts with the default animations of the Humanoid. The Wiki states that an AnimationController and Humanoid cannot both be used in the same rig, which is probably the cause of these conflicts.

So I am wondering if there is another way that I can animate my gear without using an AnimationController or Humanoid.

  1. Maybe I can edit the Motor6Ds in a script to get the desired effect.

  2. Or perhaps I can change the CFrames in a script to move my parts.

  3. I don’t suppose that I can use the KeyFrameSequence to somehow run the animation?

Perhaps running the animation directly on the Humanoid could work?

Otherwise, you could possibly update the Motor6D.Transform property to create a custom animation.


You can use cframe and you can also attach the gear to a limb with a set offset (like grip.CFrame) and then set the joint up beforehand and create an animation for the object and character combined. You can disable limbs and joints that you do not want to affect the rig by clicking next to their name in the animation editor (in case you just want to animate a gun or legs and so on)


Another alternative would be to just not use tools or accessories (which might make things easier and looks more professional, however using tools only for the inventory capability and events instead of putting the tool directly in it is ok) which would make it easier to rig/animate and the same process could follow but things could also be hidden with transparency and pre-rigged.