Running functions in a different script than the one I created it in

I want to make a function that can be called by any localscript. However it doesn’t recognise the function outside the script. I tried looking on the dev hub but the function page got deleted or something (probably not but i get a 404 error after clicking it on google).

I was thinking using remote functions, but that would be too impractical.


Unfortunately, you cannot pass functions through Remotes/Bindables.
Instead, I recommend the use of ModuleScripts - these bad boys can return tables of functions which many scripts can use.


--// ModuleScript, ReplicatedStorage
local Module = {};

Module.Hello = function()

return Module;
--// LocalScript, StarterPlayerScripts
local Module = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ModuleScript);

Wait module scripts only run once right (I dont really understand module scripts) And module scripts can be ran locally right?

The idea behind module scripts, is to contain outside functions and variables, and it only run once to compile the code inside it, then you can require them from another script whenever you want.

And yes they can run locally
And the server as well.

and on the server as well right?

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Does the script need to be in replicated storage if the functions are to be accessed by the server or client? (ik its a bad idea)

Module scripts function almost exactly the same as regular scripts, there’s just one small difference: It has to return something (and it can only do this once). You can return any valid value (even nil is valid!), but, it has to return something, otherwise you will get an error.

You can also call modulescripts for “modules”, because that’s basically what they are, modules for your scripts. ReturnedTrue gave a very nice example on how they work!

Explanation on environment

A module works on both the server and the client, and the key point here is that they run in the “environment” they were required in. What this means, is that if you “require” a module on the client (from a LocalScript), the module will work as if it was a LocalScript. And as you probably know, a LocalScript cannot access certain things on the server (for example ServerScriptService and ServerStorage).

If you require a module from a Script on the server, the module will work as if it was a regular script on the server. This is what is meant by the environment it is required from.

Examples on how modules work

Let’s take an example! Presume the following code is in a LocalScript only:

local functions = {
    hello = function ()
       print("Hello, world!") 

functions.hello() --> "Hello, world!"

As you see, there is a table called functions and it has a function called hello. If you call functions.hello() it will print out Hello, world! Now, instead of having the table functions in the LocalScript, you can instead put it in a module. This will allow for more modularization in your code!

Now, another example, just this time there will be a module and a localscript! Check it out:

The Module:

local functions = {
    hello = function ()
       print("Hello, world!") 

-- Remember you have to return something
return functions;


and the LocalScript:

local functions = require(script.Parent.ModuleScript);

functions.hello() --> "Hello, world!"
