The RunService is not displayed in the object browser pane of studio. It would be extremely useful if it could be added since I often find myself having to look it up on the Wiki which takes that little bit more time that makes me feel less productive.
Those services without properties you can edit in the Explorer are invisible.
If you have chrome, you can add a new searchmachine for the wiki.
If I enter “rowiki RunService” it would bring me to that page.
(I also got “ad” for the API Dump, which I use more than other pages on the wiki)
I’m not sure how this is relevant to what I have said? The issue is that RunService is not displayed in the Object Browser which is used for reference at a glance.
There’s a ton of services not shown there. Way more than we do show. The ones with properties, or intended to be used as storage, are shown. Why would RunService be an exception?
Those services should be displayed in the Object Browser as well. The Object Browser is a like an instant wiki that you don’t have to browse to or wait for pages to load – you know the name of what you’re using and then you’re presented with all of the things you can do with it. Just because they’re services instead of creatable objects doesn’t mean the Object Browser is magically not useful for them. Service events and methods can be just as easily forgotten as events, methods, and properties of creatable objects.
All instances that have any use should be shown. RunService contains the Step methods and it would be extremely useful if we did not have to open the wiki to remember the exact name. This is the same for other instances too such as GuiService.
Anything that we have a real use for should be shown.
If you really use RunService that much, you should be able to remember its name.
You can always add bookmarks on your browser for the services you use.
Yes, and he does. The Object Browser is not for finding service names – it’s for looking up event/property/method names for objects you already know the name of. RunService fits this bill just as much as any creatable object.
The Object Browser is not for objects you use on a regular basis – if you use objects regularly you will have already committed their member events/etc to memory. It’s a quick lookup for things you don’t remember – in other words, uncommon objects/services that you wouldn’t have bookmarked.
Looking it up in the Object Browser is quicker – that’s why it exists, and that’s what it’s for. Using the wiki, you need to switch programs and then load a webpage (or two if the search doesn’t redirect you to the exact page). The Object Browser provides all of this to you instantly without any webpage loading. The wiki is for explanation and examples of objects – the Object Browser just tells you which member events/etc an object has. The uses for the two are completely different.