Same audio on multiple parts

Hello, I didn’t know how to name the title so it’s kinda bad but what I mean is that at the moment I have a sound in Replicated storage that I then copy to every part that need it. I was wondering if I should put the sound in every part from the start, I don’t know how that works in term of performance ( and if it have a real impact)


I think this will having a impact, why just don’t set the audio in one place ?

I was just wondering because I don’t know how roblox loading things works. The sound in replicated storage being :Clone to every part isn’t a problem but I was wondering if it was better to have the sound in every part ( so that I don’t have to clone ). The sound in question is an alarm so it’s in multiple speakers across the map

You don’t have to put it in the Part, You can just make a instace and create a sound that goes with the inctance

-- Etc. stuff

--here u can have a script, when something happens in your game...
local sound ="Sound",game.Workspace)
    sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://3299747822"
	sound.Looped = false
	sound.Volume = 2.5

I put it in the parts so that the sound come from the part which is cool ( at least for people that have directional sound )

Does it work for you?
if it does, Mark is as Solution because so people know that your done.

You still have to call some variables to make it work because I just gave you part of the script.