[SCPF] RP Site 62 Rules

Site-62 Roleplay

This post and the topics linked in it are associated with the following group & game:
Site-62 Group


This post will list all of the in-game rules, punishments, and other important information that you, as a player, will need to know to not get banned.

Mods will not say if they are a mod or not if anyone claims to be a mod, they are not.

You will NOT be refunded for any purchases if moderation action has been taken on your account.


1. You must Follow & Abide by the Roblox ToS (Terms of Service)

2. You must Follow & Abide by the Community Rules

3. Do not Random Kill
This includes; but is not limited to: Those who you are supposed to kill (listed below), or in self-defense.

4. No Glitching/Exploiting
This includes flat-out exploiting, glitching through walls and doors.

5. Do not harass other users
This includes bypassing filters, saying insulting slurs, or bullying people.

6. No Spawn Camping/Killing
Do not sit where someone spawns, and kill them.

7. Do not breach SCPs unless you’re supposed to (listed below)

8. Do not spam the radio
“Spam” counts as repeatedly spamming letters or useless information

9. Do not solicit players with outside offers

10. Do not revenge kill
Revenge Kill is when you have been killed, and then you respawn, and go back to them and kill them.


Punishment will fall under the moderator’s discretion, if you believe that the punishment you received was unfair, please join our Communications Server (found under our group social links section.)

Who you may kill:

If you are a Guard (Mobile Task Force, Security Department, GRU-P, [REDACTED] (phantom), Internal Security Department, or Intelligence Agency, you are to kill the following groups on sight:

Chaos Insurgency (Raiders)


If you are a Guard (Mobile Task Force, Security Department, [REDACTED] (phantom), Internal Security Department, or Intelligence Agency, you are to kill the following groups when they break the rules:

Class-D, when they pass the white line, or shoot anyone.


If you are a Class-D or CI (Chaos Insurgency) you are to only kill the following:

Foundation Personnel
EC (Ethics Committee)
DEA (Department of External Affairs)
E&T (Engineering& Technical
MD (Medical Department)
ScD (Scientific Department)
Guards (Mobile Task Force, Security Department, [REDACTED] (phantom), Internal Security Department, or Intelligence Agency)

Groups who may breach SCPs

Chaos Insurgency


If you see someone breaking the rules, please record (F12), upload it to youtube, and join our Communications Server (found under our group social links section.) and look for player reports.

All Players are expected to follow the above rules & guidelines. This is to ensure fair & fun gameplay for all of our players.

Rules may be edited at any time WITHOUT notice, every player will be moderated based on these guidelines, whether or not you have read them.

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