ScreenGui on Touch

Hi i am creating a game with interact system with ScreenGui instead of proxomity prompt.
i want to set Frame.visible = false as soon as the character leaves the zone but i can’t find a solution or i am just dumb

my code

local Zone = script.Parent
local NPC = script.Parent.Parent

local function entered(Player,boolValue)
	local interactUI:ScreenGui = Player.PlayerGui.Interact
	local Frame:Frame = interactUI.Frame
	local TextLabel = Frame.frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
	Frame.Visible = boolValue
	TextLabel.Text = NPC.Text.Value

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
		if Player then

i tried caculating distance between npc and player but didnot work and i watched youtube but most of them used proximity prompt

Why exactly do you not want to use proximity prompts? They would work the best for what you need. Other than that you could start checking the distance from that zone once a player touches it.

(zone.Position - player.Position).Magnitude

Just have that in a loop and once player is too far away from the zone you can disable the ui. Also make sure to make it so when player touches the zone once they cant touch it again until they leave it, you can add players to the table and check if they are in it, if not then add them into it after they touch the zone if its server sided or just have a debounce if its client sided.

local Zone = script.Parent
local NPC = script.Parent.Parent

local function entered(Player,boolValue: bool)
	local interactUI:ScreenGui = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Interact")
	local Frame:Frame = interactUI.Frame
	local TextLabel = Frame.frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
	Frame.Visible = boolValue
	TextLabel.Text = NPC.Text.Value

local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if Player then


Why exactly do you not want to use proximity prompts?
because i wanted something like in this image

i did try something like you said before

for _,Zone in pairs(workspace.interactableZone:GetChildren()) do
 local Mag = (Zone.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
                if Mag <= 10 then
                    Frame.Visible = true

but without looping
i will try to loop it and try

You can achieve that with prompts. Just make sure prompts have their Style set to Custom so they dont show when you get close to them, then have a local script with this code:

local promptservice = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")

local text = script.Parent.interact

	text.Text = prompt.ActionText
	text.Visible = true

	text.Text = ""
	text.Visible = false

You can put npc names in action text of prompts.

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Thank you!it works

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