Hello, thanks for checking out my post. I have struggled with this for a while now and have searched up how to fix and how to do but still cannot fix my error, and i’m sure i’m making a simple mistake here.
I am trying to destroy the player’s shirts and pants right when they join the game. (I’m making a retro game so I am using body colors instead of shirts or pants).
This is the full script that I mention in this post:
In my script, I have code searching for the first children named “Shirt” and “Pants”, and after that I have the function Destroy() to remove those children from the player’s character workspace model.
For some reason, I am getting this error:
It says “attempt to index a nil value” after it searches for the player’s shirt, which is the line of code before searching for the player’s pants.
As you can see, when I join and am fully in game, inside my character model, “SirRaviolli”, I have the children “Shirt” and “Pants”:
(I did fully search for if I spelled incorrectly anything and for any mistakes I usually make in my code and I have checked that when it checks for the new player’s name it is not returning nil and that the workspace character model does exist and is found.)
I have been trying to fix this for some minutes now after searching for ways to fix this and trying different ways to find the child “Shirt” and “Pants”. I have tried directly going to the player’s legs and torso parts, and also tried using :FindFirstChild instead.
I must be making a small mistake that I am just not aware of, please leave some help below thanks