Script doesnt workkk

local text = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.Text
local tetra = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.TextStrokeTransparency
local teat = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.TextTransparency
local tetris = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.LineHeight
local Value = 0

while tetra == 1 do
	text = "FoodNoobFinder:Welcome to Food's Camping!"
	tetris = 2
	text = "FoodNoobFinder:You are going to spend 5 days at here!"
	tetris = 3
	text = "FoodNoobFinder:Today, I want you to understand this place, so please walk around here!"
	tetris = 2
	text = "FoodNoobFinder:Please come back to that cottage at 19:00!"
	tetris = 1
	text = "FoodNoobFinder:Have fun!"
	teat = 1
	tetra = 1

doesn’t work!
its local script in StarterGui

First, can you give us a little more detail, it’s hard to understand what your even trying to accomplish, this may not even be the right way to do it. You have to follow what the template says to do, don’t just put a script and say “doesn’t work!”.

First off, your posts should be more descriptive of the issues you’re having with your scripts, rather than just posting the script and saying that it doesn’t work, leaving us to be unaware of the exact problem you’re having

The issue is that you are only creating variables that hold the values of the properties and you’re updating the variables, but it’s not updating the properties. You can’t update the properties indirectly, so you’d have to do it directly:

local chat = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat

while (chat.TextStrokeTransparency == 1) do
    chat.Text = "FoodNoobFinder: Welcome to Food's Camping!"
    chat.LineHeight = 2
    -- etc.

You should pretty much get the gist of it by now. Also, please use tables and for loops for this as it makes the code cleaner


Referencing “script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.Text” is getting the literal text or string of the TextLabel or whatever text ui class you’re using.

If you want to set the text, you can reference

local text = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat

and set the text by doing

text.Text = “”

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from what I see, that will run forever if tetra starts as 1, or it wont run at all if tetra starts as anything else

Instead of doing

local text = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.Text
local tetra = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.TextStrokeTransparency
local teat = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.TextTransparency
local tetris = script.Parent.ScreenGui.Chat.LineHeight


while tetra.TextStrokeTransparency == 1 do
text.Text = "FoodNoobFinder:Welcome to Food's Camping!"

and continue on with that example. However, this is based on my assumptions on why your script isn’t working as I do not know what the actual error is. So let me know and I’ll attempt to help.