Script executor plugin [Version 2.2]

Hello fellow developers! Today I was trying to clone some UI’s with the command bar and realized its not that good since it only has 1 line.

So I decided to make my first plugin the Script executor!
Keep in mind this is my first ever plugin and it might not be as good as you expect it to be!

If you have suggestions please tell me I will read everything :wink:

Link to the plugin : Plugin
Current version : 2.1

Showcase : Untitled Game - Roblox Studio 2022-09-10 23-02-40


doesnt script executor already exist in roblox??


I already said in the post, please read before you post

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oh ye sry

didnt notice this one


also any previews of ur plugin like any screenshots to preview it before downloading it?


No sorry I am not at my pc right now

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I would like to see this in action, so can you add footage

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Alright! I will do it as soon as possible


I’ll be doing a whole revamp since I learned more about plugins.

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For anyone wondering, this is how the UI looks like for the plugin;

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Ye sorry about that, as I said im revamping it.

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Here is the new one so far :

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Huge update 2.0!
Change log :
New revamped ui
More functionality like multiple scripts!

Please reply to this if there are any bugs!
To update the plugin go to manage plugins and click update all!

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The plugin is great for a first one, and I won’t really criticize.
The revamped Ui’s buttons should be a bit distinctive to be honest.
It’s hard to know what you were clicking.

Take a look at my plugin’s Ui:

Video: Streamable

If you need help making UI, you can contact me at any time.

Overall great plugin, just another suggestion, add a feedback Ui!


I am decent at UI’s but since it was late I decided to stay with the simple design. Ill revamp the UI tomorrow!

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Is this designed to be the “free” version of InCommand?
I use InCommand for this usage, however it costs a whopping 125 or something :smile:


125 robux is less than 50 cents, I wouldn’t call that whopping.
125 * 0.0035 = $0.44


Oh wow I didn’t even know that existed!

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Sorry if my plugin is the same, I really didn’t about it’s existence. Please message me if you want me to take down the plugin

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It was an exaggeration, but I personally don’t think plugins should be of any cost, they are more-a-less just tools to quicken the experience of doing X, Y objectives. (Subjective to my field as a programmer, I can see how tools can be used outside of my role.)

Alongside this, I was pretty sure, but not now that ROBLOX was designed to help children create games, and something tells me children struggle with getting Robux, this be for plugins or their own character design; A clear example of this would be the game which is built on asking others for investment.

We can continue this discussion going forward with PM’s (if chosen too) as it’s got little-no relevance to this post.