Script not working but no errors in output?

So im making a system for a game with rounds that u need to collect gems every round, but this script isnt working and idk why, it shows no errors at output

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local Gems = game.Workspace.Gems:GetChildren()
ServerScriptService.TimeHandler.Disabled = true

while true do
	Gems.Transparency = 1
	Gems.CanTouch = false
	ReplicatedStorage.Values.Time.Value = 180
	ServerScriptService.TimerHandler.Disabled = true

If it’s a LocalScript, make sure it’s not under workspace, or any other Service where LocalScripts don’t work.

Nope its a ServerScript


Try to place prints in your script, see where it reaches, and where it stops.

i didnt even need, i could find that bc in a line after the part that makes the gem disappears got an error so its working fine

Gems is a table of the contents from Workspace.Gems so you have to change each one in a loop:

for _,v in ipairs(Gems) do
    v.Transparency = 1
	v.CanTouch = false
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local Gems = game.Workspace.Gems:GetChildren()
ServerScriptService.TimeHandler.Disabled = true

for i, Gem in pairs(Gems) do
	Gem.Transparency = 1
	Gem.CanTouch = false

ReplicatedStorage.Values.Time.Value = 180
ServerScriptService.TimerHandler.Disabled = true