Hello people, my goal is to weld a weapon to the hand of the player’s character without the tools but still look like this.
I placed the tool in the server storage and this is what I’ve tried with a server script:
local Players = game.Players
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Mjolnir = ServerStorage.Mjolnir
local Clone = Mjolnir:Clone()
local RightHand = Character.RightHand
Clone.Parent = Character
Clone.CFrame = RightHand.CFrame
local Weld = Instance.new("Weld")
Weld.Part0 = RightHand
Weld.C0 = RightHand.CFrame:Inverse()
Weld.Part1 = Clone
Weld.C1 = Clone.CFrame:Inverse()
Weld.Parent = Clone
But nothing works and no errors are seen in the output. I’ve tried setting the cframe of the hammer to that of the character’s right hand but the damn hammer doesn’t even appear in the workspace. I’ve watched and read several welding tutorials and articles but I can’t seem to piece together a solution as I’m not very experienced in welding.
Any solutions to fixing this?
OR should I be using motor6d?