Scripting trouble with UserOwnsGamePassAsync

local waittime = 60

local GamepassID = 10951455

    local character --get the character from hit.Parent
    local player --get player from character, i forget the api to get player from character

    local hasGamepass = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(Player, GamepassID)

   if not hasGamepass then
        --code for if the player does not have gamepass
        --code for if the player does have gamepass

just follow the above(don’t copy and paste since I probably have syntax errors like the first time), and it should work out. p.s. I also tried not to give you a completed script and more of a outline so you can learn.

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Yeah, right now it’s giving 1 coin, waiting 60 seconds, then giving the other 2. Like I said, you can move the gamepass code up if you don’t want that:

local waittime = 60

local GamepassID = 10951455
-- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer: get rid of this, it's server-sided so the LocalPlayer doesn't exist

	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if player then
		local pointsStore = DataStore2("MovieBux", player)
		if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player, GamepassID) then 
			-- check for the player who touched, not the variable Player ("localplayer", aka nil) 
			pointsStore:Increment(2) -- Give them 2 point
			print("Granted 2 Coins")
			print("Granted 1 Coin")
			pointsStore:Increment(1) -- Give them 1 point

		script.Parent.Transparency = 1 -- no matter what, the same thing happens with transparency
		script.Disabled = true -- disabling it won't do anything though by the way
		script.Parent.Transparency = 0
		script.Disabled = false	

If you want them to receive two if they have the gamepass, rather than 1 coin followed by 2 more, you can use an if-else similar to what Ocipa’s been doing. (I added that tweak to the code.) Just a couple other notes: Disabling a script won’t do anything, and the LocalPlayer is nil on the server. (@Ocipa, your code has been doing Player when the variable is player. That’s probably because you copied it, and it was checking if the “LocalPlayer” under the variable Player was the one who owned it rather than whoever touched the part.)


Thanks for the explanation! Help a lot

true == true is still true, so this is redundant.


How so? You need to check if it’s true or false.

No you don’t. if value then will go through if value is anything but false or nil. Try if 1 then, it’ll pass the conditional. x == y just evaluates to true if they’re equal, and false if not. It has no special behavior in a conditional.