Setting camera CFrame to a parts CFrame every RenderStepped causes camera jumping

The idea behind this is to have the camera attached to the ship. You are the ship basiclly, so I have the camera’s CFrame being set to the humanoid root part’s CFrame + an offset (as you’ll see) every RenderStepped.

The problem is that the ship is jumping around (the ship is controlled by BodyMovers and if there is a better way, please do tell me.).

Here is a video if the issue.

I’ve tried using Stepped rather then RenderStepped and lerping it (setting the alpha to like .3x60xThe time (in seconds) that has elapsed since the previous frame).

Here is the current code (excluding unneeded stuff)

		camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
		camera.CFrame = Engine.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(currentOffSet) --Engine is the HumanoidRootPart
--currentOffSet is just,15,50)

Is it the camera jittering or is it the ship? If you have some giant static block in view, does that also jump and jitter the same way the ship does?

No, and no. I disabled my camera script and the ship didn’t shake or jitter at all. The ship is controlled completely separate of the camera.

Hmm. I’m not super experienced with camera stuff, but could using BindToRenderStep instead of RenderStepped help? Maybe there’s a specific RenderPriority that will solve the problem?

That could be possible, but its doubtful as I literally have nothing else really running at the time.