What do you want to achieve?: I want to make an inventory gui for my custom inventory system
What is the issue? I have a dictionary with all the image decals’ “rbxassetid” I uploaded to my develop tab. But when I get the data from there and set the ImageLabel.Image of an Image label in the inventory to that rbxassetid://6706653266" for example, it just displays a blank screen. Also, ik im using the same assetid for my leaves as my stone, that is because the leaves were not getting accepted.
What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried only changing the “rbxassetid” to different things but I can’t find anything else that fits
This was just for me to learn data stores better and I just wanted to add some random item images so it will tie it up nicely.
Here is the relevant code:
--When press item pickup key
UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, processed)
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.H then
if mouse.Target then -- If the target exists
if mouse.Target:FindFirstChild("Pickable") then -- If the target is pickable
if player:DistanceFromCharacter(mouse.Target.Position) < 30 then -- If the player is close enough to the target(30 studs)
--Add it to inventory gui
local itemUI = game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemTemplate:Clone()
itemUI.Parent = invGUI.MainInvFrame.ItemsFrame
itemUI.ItemName.Text = mouse.Target.Name -- Sets the items name
itemUI.ItemImage.Image = imageDecals[mouse.Target.Name] -- Sets the items image. <<<<<<THIS IS THE PROBLEM
game.ReplicatedStorage.PickupItem:FireServer(mouse.Target) -- Ignore
Table that is in a modulecript btw:
local imageDecals = {
Leaves = "rbxassetid://6706653266",
Wood = "rbxassetid://6706652011",
Stone = "rbxassetid://6706653266"
return imageDecals
Here is the error message with the decal(it’s not only this one it’s the same with all of them like my wood and leaves) :
Image https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/v1/asset?id=6706653266 failed to load. Error 403: Asset type does not match requested type
Here is what appears when it runs: