Shades for Studio - Save you eyes!

You should make it filter out blue rather than darkening the screen, that way it’s soft on your eyes and doesn’t lose all of its colour. It also helps you sleep because your eyes aren’t getting that blue light.


Sounds like you want f.lux.

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Or the Windows/MacOS (built in) equivalents

Pretty sure Ubuntu has a blue light filter built in now.

f.lux works on Windows.

@Kampfkarren (cc: @Kiansjet) but why download a separate application when the functionality is already built-in to Windows 10?

@DeepBlueNoSpace nice idea! have you considered implementing an automatic toggle (e.g. turn on filter at sunset)? there’s a free JSON API that you can use at it requires the user’s coordinates to get their local sunrise/sunset times, but you could always set the latitute and longitude to a location in the UK (e.g. lat=51.8692042&lng=-2.2466951), and determine then add/subtract the user’s timezone offset using math.floor(os.difftime(tick(), os.time()) / 3600).

however, if you want to get the user’s location, you can always scrape the meta tags in the head of, and parse the latitute and longitude from the staticmap url

I know exactly what f.lux is, but kind of yeah. Rather than lowering the brightness I thought this would be a much better aspect.

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Wow, this plugin is nice! Saves my eyes :slight_smile:

You can also add a slider that changes how warm it is so that its bluer in the day and oranger in the night

He said built in, Windows and MacOS already have features that can lower the amount of blue light emitted.