Shifting through tables with GUI

My currently project is making a character selection. There are multiple rosters for each character. I want the rosters to change when you click an arrow going LEFT or RIGHT. Problem is, I have no idea how to shift through the table i have depending on the amount of clicks. Lets say your on the 5th item in the table and click left twice. You’d go to the 3rd once so it’d change a couple things such as images and names. I would love if you could help me!

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It all depends on how you have set your tables up in the fist instance as to how best to achieve this.
I tend to use nested dictionaries, might not be the best way, but it works for me. For example:

	local frame = script.Parent
	local maps = {
		[1] = {name = "River", level = 0, cost = 0, image = 123456};
		[2] = {name = "City", level = 10, cost = 1000, image = 654321};
		[3] = {name = "Factory", level = 25, cost = 2000, image = 789456};
	local currentMap = 1

local function showMap()
	frame.TextLabel.Text = maps[currentMap].name
	frame.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://" .. maps[currentMap].image

	currentMap += 1	-- increment map no.
	if currentMap > #maps then	-- check if beyond last map
		currentMap = 1

	currentMap -= 1	-- increment map no.
	if currentMap < 1 then	-- check if beyond first map
		currentMap = #maps

Hmm I see, thank you. Although it would be multiple different characters with different amounts of characters… so ig ill figure that out as well.