Simple and easy ways to make a view port of your character including: fixed animation & updating

Simple and easy ways to make a view port of your character including: fixed animation & updating

So I made a static view port recently and its a relatively efficient method for what its worth, had no purpose for it now seeming as I terminated the project it I thought I’d open it to the public domain so you lot can utilize it how you feel. Its a nice starting point on viewports and how they work if you have no experience.

I’ve also included another efficient viewport by @boatbomber which is a good learning point in the file if you want to see one that is constantly replicating your character movements. Depending on the animation weight and priority you set up, will vary how the animation looks so just be aware - it also works for tools as it copies all the welds etc automatically so you’d animate it like your normal player character:

It also includes in my static version an easy to adjust camera which fixates around the subject, set it to the Head, HumanoidRootPart or if you have a custom rig whatever fits. Here is an example of an application I created for UI, comment if you do want the UI (considering open sourcing it).

Anyhow I hope you lot can make more use of this work then I can now that I’m moving on from the project:
viewport_kit.rbxl (34.5 KB)


Really easy and helpful tutorial, definitely bookmarking this.