Simple error that I for some reason couldn’t find on devforum, or atleast the ones I did didn’t give results.
So I’m not very good with TweenService, I’m simply trying to animate barrel recoil by moving the canon 1 stud back and I want to use CFrame since the canon can move whilst animating.
In order to test if the script works I wrote this, however I get no movement. Why does this occur and how do I fix it?
local frame = script.Parent.Turret.Right_Barrel.Main_Frame
local test = TS:Create(frame,, {CFrame = frame.CFrame *,0,0)})
I mean, it does work when unanchored, but because of physics you might not notice. I tested your code with a normal part in workspace, and it seems to work for me, so maybe your object is too heavy?