Site-11 In-Game Rules & TOS

Welcome to the Term of Service DevForum Bulletin Board for Site-11.

All of our in-game rules are publicly available here.

Rule #1: | Menu Respawning / Using the menu to respawn in combat
“Using the menu to respawn faster.”
Offense No.1: 2 Day Ban
Offense No.2: 7 Day Ban
Offense No.3: Permanent ban /w Appeal

Rule #2: | Leaving/Menuing in Handcuffs
“Leaving in handcuffs intentionally to avoid interrogation or arrest.”
Offense No.1: 7 Day Ban
Offense No.2: 31 Day Ban
Offense No.3: Permanent ban w/o Appeal

Rule #3: | Exploiting
“Exploiting. This can be any exploit regardless of how harmless it may seem or appear to be.”
Offense No.1: 31 Day Ban
Offense No.2: Permanent ban w/o Appeal

Rule #4: | Amnestics Remebering
“Under no circumstance are you allowed to recall anything before amnestics were applied to you. You may only recall if the incident was abuse. And no, it may not even be said discord what you saw before you got applied to amnestics.”
Offense No.1: 2 Day Ban
Offense No. 2: 7 Day Ban
Offense No.3: 31 ban w/o Appeal
Offense No.4: Permenant w/o appeal

Rule #5: | Macros and Autoclickers
“macros and auto clickers are prohibited within Site-11.”
Offense No.1: 2 Day Ban
Offense No.2: 31 Day Bam