Skip obby stage in Team system

So I am an absolute noob with scripting, I decided to make an obby checkpoint system and used the team system. I have a working data store and now want to create a skip stage button, how would one go about doing this with the team system. I have looked for ways to do this, however I cant seem to find anything that uses the team system rather than the leader board.


You could add a int value inside the checkpoints (or name them numbers like 1, 2, 3) and then if they were to skip stage check their leaderstats value and find the checkpoint with the value +1


hey I also have his problem your idea sounds like it would work but how would I do it in script from?

i made this before so i just put in the checkpoints add a value to the datastore. so if you want them to skip stage i think you need to use teleport them to they’re destination and the checkpoint would add a value to his level counter. so when he joins, the script will check on what level the client is so it would teleport the client to the spawn point.

(sorry im not good at explaning)