Sky.CFrame to rotate and move the skybox, and ability to layer skyboxes ontop eachother

Default is, 0, 0). Setting this allows you to rotate or even move the skybox cube. Outside the skybox is rendered as black.

EDIT: Sky.Transparency and Sky.BackColor (changes what color is rendered outside skybox) would be pretty cool too.
EDIT: Added layering skyboxes to suggestion.


How do you reposition a skybox? Although some way to rotate it would be extremely useful for effects


Not sure, but repositioning the skybox would be pretty cool for earthquakes.

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This along with Sky.Transparency would open the road for so many beautiful possibilities.

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Every year since about 2012 I ask for features like these. Skyboxes are such a huge part of your game, it’s usually about half of what players see. So important for immersion, especially as Roblox begins to hop into VR.
Color3 values to change the hue of the skybox, or even just easily set flat skybox colors without uploading the color you want.

A rotating skybox could allow for moving clouds. Imagine layers too. Though rotating different layers might prove to be impossible since they’re boxes, having different layers to apply Color3s to would be awesome.

And editable sun/moon images.


Added layering skyboxes ontop eachother to the OP.

You could use angular distortion to “stretch” the image along the axis of movement, and effect a sort of re-positioning with it. Not perfect, but it’s what a re-position would be closest to for infinite distance.

Would love a SolidColor feature too. For some styles of games, having a solid color looks good. I guess having a white image along with your BackColor suggestion would fulfill this though.

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I also posted about it ages ago. Back in Kunena times.

I think it’s clear that there is high demand for more functionality for skyboxes, currently they’re so restrictive and leave a lot of room for improvement and would open the doors to loads new effects in games.

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I’d love to have the ability to make a custom night time skybox. I’d also love to be able to set the Transparency of a skybox, and maybe have more than one skybox at once with layers, so you could blend them into each other.

@Crazyman32 A solid color would be nice. It would be awesome if we had a BottomColor3, MiddleColor3, and TopColor3. These would be assigned to the bottom point of the world, middle point (horizon), and top point. This way, there could be a gradient which fades between the colors.