Smokiez Restaurant | Rank Descriptions

Low Ranks
Customer - A regular group member.
Suspended - An MR or HR that’s either in trouble or inactive.
Trainee - Staff member in training.
Janitor - Makes sure the Restaurant is sanitary at all times.
Crew Member - An official Smokiez worker.
Junior Crew Member - An official Smokiez worker with more expierence.
Senior Crew Member - An official Smokiez worker that’s eligible to apply for an MR position.

Middle Ranks
Assistant Management - Makes sure that all Low ranks are doing their jobs and also help the Management team. (can help with interviews)
Management Team - Oversees everything and everyone at the restaurant and also helps with interviews.

High Ranks
Employment Director - The Employment Director is in charge of hosting interviews and creating shift/interviews/trainings/ schedule for Smokiez.
Communications Director - The Communications Director creates new alliances with other group and also collects feedback from other staff members and customers.
Operations Director - The Operations Director makes sure that everything is going smoothly in the Smokiez community and creates future plans for the restaurant.
Vice President - Works with the middle and high ranks to ensure that everything is going great.
President - Works with the middle and high ranks to ensure that everything is going great.
Chairman - Founded Smokiez Restaurant and Works with the middle and high ranks to ensure that everything is going great.>

Main Group
Thank you for your time!
- Smokiez Restaurant’s Executive Team

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