[Solved] How to respawn the position camera

Hey Developer!
I just want to know how the camera position is reproduced after the load character. When Humanoid Died the connect function is printed working fine.


local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local Players = game:GetService('Players')
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local Character = Child
	if Character then
		while not Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") do wait() end
			print("You died")

But I don’t sure how to work out the camera position reset character?

Tanki Online watch this short video, just give an example:

Thank for understanding, ZRX_O.


Is it solved or no? If it is you might mark it as solved :confused:

Well, I’m not sure the camera position code from bad practice of died character, I’m sorry. :grimacing: Can you send me the full code or someone else, so I can’t find it yet :man_shrugging:

What is the problem you’re having? You provided the code for detecting when a player dies but what is it that you want to be fixed? If I get you correctly, you want a smooth transition of the camera between the death and the respawn point, right?

Yes, that’s right camera between the death and the respawn point.

I don’t know why you marked it as “Solved”, but I found this post asking a very similar question to yours.

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Good idea, good answer thank you for the solved problem I found.