Sound playbackspeed and vehicle throttle

Hello !

I’m currently having some troubles with the sound playbackspeed when I throttle up and down the vehicle. Here is the script that should change the sound playbackspeed ;

ThrotSound = script.Parent.Engine
ThrotSound2 = script.Parent.Engine2

curSpeed = script.Parent.Parent.State.currentSpeed.Value

    if curSpeed < 10 then
    ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 0.9
    ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 0.9
    elseif curSpeed >= 10 and curSpeed < 20 then

        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.5
    ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.5

    elseif curSpeed >= 20 then
        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.1
        ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.1

    elseif curSpeed >= 30 then
        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.2
        ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.2

    elseif curSpeed >= 40 then

        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.3
        ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.3

    elseif curSpeed >= 60 then

        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.4
        ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.4

    elseif curSpeed >= 70 then

        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.5
        ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.5
        ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.5
        ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.5


The throttle perfectly works. The speed value changes everytime.


Some help could be REALLY appreciated. Thanks.

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elseif curSpeed >= 10 and curSpeed < 20 then

Try setting an upper bound for the other elseif statements as you did for this one.

Oh, I forgot to modify, but I already tried with the first elseif, and it still doesn’t work.

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Are the if statements in loop? If not, the script will only run once and it won’t continuously check for a speed change.

I already tried in the past, but the loop returns an error ;


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Add wait(0.1) to the end of the loop. This should fix the error.

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It fixes the error, but the script seems to understand only the first if.

while true do

	if curSpeed >= 0 and curSpeed < 10 then
	ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 0.9
	ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 0.9
	elseif curSpeed >= 10 and curSpeed < 20 then

		ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1
		ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1


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Did you throttle the vehicle at all during the test? It seems that the speed was only between 0 and 10 for the entire test.

Sure I did, I was going on a speedvalue = 35

So, with proofs ;

Its normal.

Not normal.

Because if you got the speed on the locomotive, it’s 40. I should have this ;

	elseif curSpeed >= 40 and curSpeed < 60 then

		ThrotSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1.3
		ThrotSound2.PlaybackSpeed = 1.3
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I think I figured it out. Try defining curSpeed within the while loop. That way, the variable is updating. Otherwise it would remain at the same value the entire time.

Yep ! It works, thanks ! The problem was with that thing not updating, now it does.

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Awesome! I’m glad I could help.

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