Hello, I am trying to make a script that plays a random audio from a specific folder in SoundService when the player joins. The problem is that is that it is not working at all.
local Songs = game:GetService("SoundService").MainSounds:GetChildren()
local Sound = script.Parent
while true do
local RandomId = Songs[math.random(1, #Songs)]
Sound.SoundId = RandomId.SoundId
I have tried looking on the DevForum to find solutions but it seems that this is relatively unique as far as I can see. This is a LocalScript inside WorkSpace for those wondering.
Local scripts won’t execute in the workspace, it can only be ran in a few select places. One of those is StarterPlayerScripts. You can put the script there and re-reference the sound object in the workspace:
local Songs = game:GetService("SoundService").MainSounds:GetChildren()
local Sound = workspace.Sound -- whatever you've called the sound
while true do
local RandomId = Songs[math.random(1, #Songs)]
Sound.SoundId = RandomId.SoundId
A LocalScript will only run Lua code if it is a descendant of one of the following objects:
A Player’s Backpack , such as a child of a Tool
A Player’s character model
A Player’s PlayerGui
A Player’s PlayerScripts .
The ReplicatedFirst service
(Sourced from this page on the Roblox Developer Wiki)