SP Roleplay - Change Logs

Roblox SP Roleplay Change-log (Version: v2.0.0)

In-Game Catalog

  • In-Game Catalog: Explore our newly added catalog feature, allowing you to wear all your favorite Roblox items in South Park RP! Express yourself and create unique characters. :shopping::smiley_cat::tshirt::jeans:

Enhanced Loading Experience

  • We’ve optimized the game by removing the loading screen, resulting in faster load times and a smoother gameplay experience. Say goodbye to lag and enjoy seamless adventures in South Park! :rocket::dash:

Weekly Update Announcements

  • Look for the sign in-game every Saturday at 12 PM EST for exciting weekly updates! Stay tuned for fresh content and thrilling additions to the game. :alarm_clock::spiral_calendar::sparkles::tada:

Thank you for your continued support. Happy gaming!

  • RSPRP Development Team :busts_in_silhouette::sparkles: