Chat with Voice Developer Beta

Were the icons changed? I could of swore it has just been the microphone icon on everyone?


Woah, I did not know that you can get your VC suspended.


Did the microphone get shrunk down? or is this a bug?

I prefer this looking much larger for the default GUI.

Edit: Corrected my typos, oops.

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Is there any information on if they are planning to add functionality for changing the proximity radius or to enable the ability to make the chat not proximity based? Also team voice chat when? Also an event so we can script our own custom indicators for the VC instead of the stupid over-the-head one that tells you nothing if you arenā€™t looking directly at the person speaking?

I donā€™t even care if those things arenā€™t planned. I just want to have a definite yes/no answer since Iā€™m asking for what is either the 7th or 8th time now. I mean I hope they are planned, but this radio silence on every time itā€™s been asked is really frustrating since itā€™s not just me who asked for this functionality.


I hope they can give an answer too, but they usually donā€™t for literally any new feature.


Yeah, I didnā€™t like ID verification because it defeats your privacy

Even scarier than ID verification is Google tracking people on the web


I didnā€™t verify because i donā€™t have a mic for that. But I would if i had a good one! Good Update

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Itā€™s not the perfect idea, but it is a step in the right direction for developers wanting to allow users to engage much.

It is ideal for virtual reality games, when that eventually hits stand-alone headsets


Could we increase the max player count? Itā€™s 30 right now and Iā€™m debating disabling voice chat in my game because I need more than 30 players max.


Does anybody know when the beta is going to end?

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Thank for da new Announcement and update :heart:
Keep it up Roblox Team!

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There are a few problems (at least I have) with ID verificationā€¦

  • It only takes passports (Which costs $300+ in Aus) or drivers licenses.
  • No privacy
  • 13-15 Y/Oā€™s canā€™t possibly verify without paying hundreds of dollars

What you can do to fix it

  • Accept School Identification
  • Better Spatial Voice moderation

I canā€™t think of anything else.. lol


What?, What country are you living in? Donā€™t you have a passport, or some sort of citizenship card

Roblox canā€™t accept school IDs because they are not issued by the government, and are not a proper way to verify identity. Second you canā€™t moderate voice chat itā€™s impossible

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Would be amazing if, in a way there was some AI technology involved where you were able to verify your roblox account by having to:

Take a selfie of yourself or such thing, Later on having to verify it with an ID or a picture of any credential. The AI would go trough a process of comparing both images to estimate if the user is over the age of 13, if succesful it would verify the player. That would not just make the entire process simpler but also allow those who cant verify with any government documents to join the spartial voice program.


Australia doesnā€™t give out passports for free nor citizenship cards (by my knowledge at least.)

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Any word on any of this? Iā€™m still waiting for an answer.

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im pretty sure you have to apply for one, or something like that. i think it would cost money

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It costs $300ā€¦ really unreasonable if you just want to verify your identity. YouTube is doing the same but with credit card verification.

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ripā€¦ looks like im not going to get verified any time soon


If you donā€™t want to enable Spatial Voice for every place within your experience, you can disable Spatial Voice within specific places that would otherwise be voice-eligible through the EnableDefaultVoice property.

If you are currently setting Max Players to a value over 30 to disable voice in a place, it is recommended to use this property instead. This ensures that Spatial Voice remains disabled when max user limit changes.

To disable Spatial Voice for a place:

  1. In the Model tab of the menu bar, navigate to the Advanced section, then click the Service icon. The Insert Service dialog displays.

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  1. Select VoiceChatService.
  2. In the Explorer window, select VoiceChatService.
  3. In the Properties window, disable the EnableDefaultVoice property.
  4. Restart your servers to ensure the change takes effect for all servers currently running your experience.

For more information please check out the documentation here: Link