Spawning system isn't working

Hello devforum, I’m in need of support once again. I’ve working on a spawning system script but it isn’t working
Here’s the script

local orbs = game.ReplicatedStorage.Orbs:GetChildren()
local spawners = game.Workspace.Spawners

for i, v in pairs(spawners:GetChildren()) do
	while wait() do
		if v.Active.Value == false then
			local random = math.random(1, #orbs)
			local selectedOrb = orbs[random]
			local clone = selectedOrb:Clone()
			clone.Parent = v
			clone.Position = v.Position
			v.Active.Value = true


Context Suggestions:

  • Is this a LocalScript, or a Script?

  • What errors are there in the Output exactly?

  • Can you give us more info on what isn’t exactly working?

  • Where is the script exactly located?

We can’t help you much if questions like these can’t be answered already

Well its a server script and it was placed in the Serverscript service
The problem I’m facing is that once I run the game no blocks seem to spawn at the desried locations
Although the script actually picks a random block but I don’t know why it isn’t working

I’d recommend using


and when calling the workspace just use workspace


Check the output for errors (Roblox Studio<View<Output)

Seems like your local variable, selectedOrb is resulting as an error (My assumption)

Try using this instead:

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Spawners = workspace:WaitForChild("Spawners")

local Orbs = RS:WaitForChild("Orbs"):GetChildren()

for _, Spawn in pairs(Spawners:GetChildren()) do
    while true do
        if Spawn.Active.Value == false then
            Spawn.Active.Value = true

            local RandomOrb = math.random(1, #Orbs)
            local SelectedOrb = Orbs[Random]

            if SelectedOrb then
                local Clone = SelectedOrb:Clone()
                Clone.Position = Spawn.Position
                Clone.Parent = Spawn

I don’t think you need the while loop in there. Also, always parent things at the end.

You should also use task.wait() instead of wait() now.
I’m not sure if this would work, but I feel it’s due to the random variable. So I changed it, try this out.

local orbs = game.ReplicatedStorage.Orbs:GetChildren()
local spawners = game.Workspace.Spawners

for i, v in pairs(spawners:GetChildren()) do
	if v.Active.Value == false then
		local getRandom = math.random(1, #orbs)
		local selectedOrb = orbs[getRandom]
		local clone = selectedOrb:Clone()
		clone.Position = v.Position
		v.Active.Value = true
        clone.Parent = v

Unfortunately none of them seem to work well i figured that an alternate solution is to place the script in each spawner instead of getting the children from a folder
I am deeply grateful for taking your time and helping me with this script