function SetupCharacter(plr,char)
char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + plr:WaitForChild("Folder").NumberValue.Value
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
SetupCharacter(plr,char) -- Initial
SetupCharacter(plr,char) -- if they respawn
This should fix it. whats happening is the character is sometimes already there when the players characteradded connection is made so it doesn’t fire. You will need to do an initial catch of the char from local char = plr.Charcter or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() then use the characteradded if they reset, die etc
ok then, correct me if i’m wrong but when your character spawns in, is the value in the folder actually set to an amount instead of being the default 0?
i mean how is the folder created or value (it may interfere with the boosting), show the script of it just in case there are flaws since you have stated earlier the code does work except from the value