Splitting chat into channels?

I’ve looked all over but I can’t figure out how to do this.


I want something like this.

You will have to make a custom chat system which is pretty simple. I don’t really know if there is a way to do it using the default roblox chat.

there is. I know it’s thing, i’ve seen the same thing used in multiple games and after browsing the dev forum I know it’s a function of the chat module.

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this one is pretty complicated.
First, fork the chat system, by testing a game, and going into the Chat in explorer. Copy ChatModules and ClientChatModules. Paste them into the Chat once you stop testing.
Next, go into ClientChatModules and get into ChatSettings.
If you read the code, there should be some settings to show channels and resize the chat.
Here are some pictures for more instructions.


yeah, that worked. sucks you have to fork the chat though.

btw why do you need to copy chat modules aswell?

Oh, you don’t. Just incase you want to make chat commands or something

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