Sponsor/Ad Compensation for Roblox Down Time

Yesterday there was an issue where a lot of the Roblox servers were failing, causing Roblox to have some downtime. I noticed this due to the fact that my player count was dropping drastically even though I had sponsored, so I checked the DevForums to see if anything had happened, and conveniently found this highly viewed topic: Roblox Servers Failing [ROBLOXCRITICAL].

The plausible problem:
Even though I had been saving up for quite a while to sponsor, it was unfortunate enough for Roblox to be down for almost 8 hours, and inconveniently, my sponsor was placed in the time frame to end exactly when Roblox had started to get their servers back and running. Let’s say an example for other cases, that developers had spent over hundreds of thousands of Robux, just to run sponsors or advertisements for 24 hours, for 8 of those hours to only be viewed to a really low player density due to servers having some downtime, that would be a complete waste of time and value that they had spent unless initially, the servers had been running normal. Now I’m NOT saying it’s Roblox’s fault that their servers had some downtime, they were investigating a serious issue that happened to their servers yesterday and they worked hard to get it back to normal as soon as they can. I just feel like there should be some compensation for developers like me, to have solutions for this downtime because saving up Robux for sponsoring or advertising takes work, time and effort.

Possible Solutions:
So I talked to Roblox’s customer relations team about some compensation and explained the downtime issue, but they responded that they were investigating the downtime issue and ended my support ticket there without even talking about or responding to the message about compensation. I feel like there should be a change in customer service policy to give some sort of compensation to developers who had sponsors and advertisements running through the downtime. A fair choice would be to either give the remaining Robux back for the time left to run when Roblox goes down, or to run their sponsors and advertisements for the timeframe of the downtime. Another solution could be an implementation to the website where they could automatically pause the time remaining frame of the advertisements, when there is detected downtime, then resuming after they had solve the downtime issue. This would be very helpful to me as a developer, because I had spent so much time and effort saving up to sponsor my game, and not getting back the adequate results that I had expected therefore wasting Robux.


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