Status Value not showing on gui

Sadly i now have the issue of the GUI being stuck in that players needed to start thing

Make it so that after until the GUI disables

until #game.Players:GetPlayers() >= PlayersToStart
     local Children = game.Players:GetChildren()
		for i = 1, #Children do
		Children[i].PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Enabled = false

That is my only gui if i disable it nothing is there

So instead of deactivating just set the text to: “” or set the visible to false.

until #game.Players:GetPlayers() >= PlayersToStart
     local Children = game.Players:GetChildren()
		for i = 1, #Children do
		Children[i].PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GameStatus.Text = ""

But the thing is that the client and the server share the same GUI. When i changed it on the server the client side doesn’t do anything. The server side just overided the client.

If you want to change it from the client you can use remove event.

i am trying to do server to client and it is saying this for this code

error: Argument 1 missing or nil


using :FireClient will require you to define the client : :FireClient(Player) the Player would be the player instance in the Players Service.
using :FireAllClient doesn’t require you to define the client.

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Yes, you are going to either have to get the player to pass as the first argument

     local current_player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()[1]

Or you can just use FireAllClients() since there’s only one player in the game. Then, in a local script located in StarterPlayerScripts (or possibly a gui element), you are going to want to update the gui, since gui elements should always be (and I think can only be) manipulated on the client side.

Also, I’d look into tying your player count checking code to the Players.PlayerAdded event, as opposed to running a repeat loop.