Suggestion on how to make the game the most exploit free and lag free

I’m doing a 700 players in a server challenge and was wondering what is the best way to avoid lag and exploiters?
Game: 700 Players in the same server - Roblox

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You don’t, not with 700 players. A blank baseplate that doesn’t load character appearances already struggles to run at around 300 players, going all the way to 700 is out of the question. That’s in terms of lag. In terms of exploiting, that depends on your game’s systems.

You should not be trying to make production-level games with 700 players right now, only using it to stress test your systems and potentially also to provide feedback for platform improvements so that larger player counts can be supported better.


Oh, well uh I was do a 700 player challenge and I was also wondering if spreading the players out would help with lag?

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Nope. All players are still physically simulated and have their own processes, so on. Spreading players out won’t alleviate the lag, it’s going to be an inherent issue. You could probably cut down the lag by not loading in characters at all but even then it’d be a certain threshold before your servers lag and crash before hitting any high count over 400.


Oki so uh any suggestions of how to set up the 700 player game?

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You can add Streaming Enabled.

30 chars

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Please refer to my first post. :slight_smile:

The question can also be answered by everything I’ve been posting so far. The tl;dr of all of said posts is that you don’t set one up if you intend to make a production-level game.


I’m not trying to make a production level game, it’s just a challenge. But thank you :slight_smile:

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Other than the replies how are you going to get 700? Players on your game?

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Id recommend using R6 over R15 from past Ai tests most the lag of c
rigs come from the meshes and their collisions, R6 runs significantly smoother. I would also recommend disabling all collisions between players.

Welll I’m collaborating with many groups from 400-51k members.

Already ban done. Thanks for the suggestions.