Swiftation | GFX Artist

About Me

Hello! I’m swiftation, and I’ve been a GFX Artist for two years.

I use Cinema 4D and paintnet to make my GFX.

My Work

Here are links to my work:

https://gvlaxygurl.deviantart.com/ (older works)

Examples of my works:






Icons - 250 R$
Ads - 150 R$
Banners - 350 R$
Thumbnails - 300 R$
I will charge more for scene renders/scene thumbnails depending on the complexity of the scene.
Since I am NBC, I accept group funds only


As of 5/29/19, I am available every day for 3-5 hours.
Please also note that my timezone is EST+11/EDT+12/GMT+7 which means I might not respond to your messages both in Discord or ROBLOX right after you DMed me. Please be patient.


Discord: swiftation#6334
I really encourage you to contact me through Discord since I am most active there, but you can also contact me through ROBLOX PM.

Thank you for reading my portofolio, have a good day!


From a fellow artist, great stuff! Hope to see more of your work in the future!

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Nice art! I think you are underselling yourself a bit.


Very awesome art i really like them all, hope to see more. Prices should be hire a little!

Nice work! I think your prices should be higher though!


Hey, not sure how long you’ve been doing GFX for or how many people you design things for, but here’s some advice and feedback:

Your GFX is very nice. If you were just starting out, those prices would be good. However, if you’re getting a decent amount of requests and it keeps you even remotely busy, you should definitely raise the prices. You’re doing some nice quality work for very few Robux! Anyways, I wish you good luck :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll definitely recommend you to others and possibly consider you for any future GFX needs!

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Thank you for your feedback! I’ll definitely raise my price soon if I receive more orders.

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I highly recommend to hire her. She’s a good GFX Artist. I think she should charge more for her work.

Here’s some work that she made for me:

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Great work! My only suggestion is within Cinema 4D before you render you should try and match the lighting to the scene you are going to use.

Hello, I would like to hire you. Please accept my friend request: 𝕵𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖂𝖆𝖘𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖓#1340