Usage of some packages in R15 causes you to float above the surface

When using the idle swim animation with R15 and a lot of accessories in water (Edit: Not related to accessories. This is related to body parts.), I found that my avatar treads water, but I am a little bit offset…

I found that this was easily fixed by setting the density of all the parts in my avatar equal to 1 so that they applied no upward force to the water.

Click for the result image from setting density = 1


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Setting the density to 0.01 is kinda intentional to make them weightless and not impede walking or jumping. No real way it can do that without making players super buoyant.

I thought this was fixed, or was supposedly fixed but found to be broken. To be released with no-underwater-jumping update @Joshua_Falken?

I just remember seeing a thread about this recently

Well I can’t get it to do that behavior any more. I think it may be fixed now. I’ll keep looking into this.

(Edit: This was testing with accessories, which is not the correct test since accessories do not affect water)

Accoutrements should currently be massless when equipped and jumping while swimming is disabled. Are you still seeing this water-treading?

The issue wasn’t related to accessories, I found. I only noted it occurring on my R15 package. This may be ground for inconsistencies since different components of R15 packages may have different masses than others due to size and what not. To clarify, this issue still occurs even if I remove all accessories from my avatar.

Late edit: This is likely true because the package I have for my torso has a set of wings on the back, which would increase size and therefore mass, and since it’s less dense than water it has a more drastic effect going upwards.