Sword help part 2

LocalPlayer can only be accessed from a local script.

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Should I run this script through a local script or is there a way to run it through a normal script… Maybe i should have just stuck to building this is way harder.

You can just do this:

local s = script.Parent
local weld = Instance.new("Weld")

    local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent)
    local char = player.Character
    local LeftHand = char.LeftHand
    weld.Part0 = s.Handle1
    weld.Part1 = LeftHand
    weld.Parent = s
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Thanks for the help I don’t really know what I would be doing without the help of this community.

The problem was I think you already had the character, and you called it again.

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