Table problem..... please help

hi , i want to make a table that equal to a diffrent table but its cause error please help me
Heres my script

You can’t check for table equality using the == operator. Use a for loop.

You should probably use a table.foreachi() function to check for whether or not the tables are the same. Alternatively you can simply use a string to hold the values in your case which would be much simpler.

Here, let me make a function to do this!

local function sameTables(t1,t2)
  if #t1 ~= #t2 then return false end
  for index,value in pairs(t2) do
    if t1[index] ~= value then return false end
  for index,value in pairs(t1) do
    if t2[index] ~= value then return false end
  return true

Basically what this does is it loops through table2 and it checks if that index has the same value in table 1. I also added a length check. The loop goes two ways just in the case that one table is shorter than the other to prevent issues.