Tagged unions do not work when directly applied as an intersection type

Tagged unions, as shown on the documentation, work on separated table declarations:

type Ok<T> = { type: "ok", value: T }
type Err<E> = { type: "err", error: E }
type Result<T, E> = Ok<T> | Err<E>

if result.type == "ok" then
    -- result is known to be Ok<T>
    -- and attempting to index for error here will fail
elseif result.type == "err" then
    -- result is known to be Err<E>
    -- and attempting to index for value here will fail

However, if we had a “baseType”, we cannot simply add a tagged union to it:

type recipe = {
	eggs: number,
	bacon: number,
} & ({
	hasNutAllergy: false,
	peanuts: number,
	walnuts: number,
} | {
	hasNutAllergy: true,
	subsituteIngredient: string,
	amount: number,

local sampleRecipe: recipe = --> some recipe
if sampleRecipe.hasNutAllergy then
	sampleRecipe.subsituteIngredient --> does not autofill
	sampleRecipe.peanuts --> does not autofill

There is a workaround, however. You can intersect the different tagged types to the base type first, then union them together:

type baseRecipe = { --> creating a base type
	eggs: number,
	bacon: number,

type nutRecipe = {
	hasNutAllergy: false,
	peanuts: number,
	walnuts: number,
} & baseRecipe --> intersecting the tag with the base type
type nutlessRecipe = {
	hasNutAllergy: true,
	subsituteIngredient: string,
	amount: number,
} & baseRecipe --> intersecting the tag with the base type

type recipe = nutRecipe | nutlessRecipe --> unioning both types together

local sampleRecipe: recipe
if sampleRecipe.hasNutAllergy then
	sampleRecipe.subsituteIngredient --> autofills
	sampleRecipe.peanuts --> autofills

This is unfortunately quite clunky and undesirable.

Expected behavior

Tagged table types should autofill even if they’re added as a intersection type:

local sampleRecipe: recipe = --> some recipe
if sampleRecipe.hasNutAllergy then
	sampleRecipe.subsituteIngredient --> autofills
	sampleRecipe.peanuts --> autofills

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.