I have this revive system. I want to be able to take away the downed person’s tools then give them back when they are revived. How do I do this?
You could destroy the tool when their down and clone it back when revived
how do I clone it again after its been destroyed? Im not that good at scripting, but I don’t see how I can call and clone something that’s not existant anymore
Your tool should be located somewhere else, take Replicated Storage for example, then you could clone that tool and parent it to player’s backpack
the tools are inside of startergui in my class system hud, so would that work?
Should work fine as long as you define it correctly, only destroy the tool currently in the player’s backpack or character. (Tool is a child of character when equipped and a child of Backpack when unequipped)
Parent the tools to some other location from their character model (if equipped) or backpack (if unequipped) and then re-parent the tools back to their old locations when they are revived.