Terrain:PasteRegion and voxel coordinates

I have been trying to copy and paste some terrain, but this is super confusing.
I was expermenting with code, and the only way I have been able to copy and paste terrain is with a code example from the Developer Wiki

local terrainRegion = workspace.Terrain:CopyRegion(workspace.Terrain.MaxExtents)
local corner = Vector3int16.new(-32000, -32000, -32000)
local pasteEmptyRegion = false
workspace.Terrain:PasteRegion(terrainRegion, corner, pasteEmptyRegion)

Thats the only code that would work.
I found a post about this but nothing he said made any scene, and the code was even the same.
One thing he says

But if the corner is in voxel coordinates, why does

local corner = Vector3int16.new(-32000, -32000, -32000)

only work for me?
I really have no clue how Roblox’s voxel coordinates work.

What im trying to do is take a region and copy and paste it somewhere else.

Anything is appreciated.

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I finally figured it out! yay. It seems not a lot of developers use terrain all that often so…

My problem with why only -32000 worked, was because with the copy region function we use workspace.Terrain.MaxExtents , which returns -32000, -32000, -32000; 32000, 32000, 32000.
It uses those 2 corners, and the lower one is the -32000. The “corner” in the terrain paste function is the point where you want the lower exten of the copied region to end up. So the lower corner of the terrain will end at the corner value. This makes sence, why -32000 for the corner value would only work, because thats where the terrain was previous. I cant explain it that well but look at this code.

local terrainRegion = workspace.Terrain:CopyRegion(Region3int16.new(Vector3int16.new(-32000, -32000, -32000) , Vector3int16.new(32000, 32000, 32000)))
local corner = Vector3int16.new(-32000, -32000, -32000)
local pasteEmptyRegion = false
workspace.Terrain:PasteRegion(terrainRegion, corner, pasteEmptyRegion)

Yea, so as you can see, its like copying a area, when pasting back in that area. It might be ok to use workspace.Terrain.MaxExtents if you want to copy a terrain map or something, but I would just get the region of the terrain you want to copy.

What I found is indeed everything is in voxel coordinates(4’s), with copy and paste functions.
Here is a bit of code that might prove useful for anyone.
This just takes a normal Vector3 position and copys a selected area, and paste it at a second position, both in “normal” coordinates.

local ArenaSize = Vector3.new(100, 100, 100) -- normal cordnates

local function onSetArenaPosition(Player, vector, finalpos) -- normal cordnates
	if typeof(vector) == "Vector3" and typeof(finalpos) == "Vector3" then
		local min = (vector - ArenaSize/2)
		local max = (vector + ArenaSize/2)
		local minVoxels = Vector3int16.new(
		local maxVoxels = Vector3int16.new(
		local region = Region3int16.new(minVoxels,maxVoxels)
		local terrainRegion = workspace.Terrain:CopyRegion(region)
		local corner = Vector3int16.new(
		workspace.Terrain:PasteRegion(terrainRegion, corner, true)
        warn("not a valid value")

Im working on a module for terrain loading and stuff for games with big terrain maps, and to help a lot with lag too.